How to become a Pilot with FedEx

Aviationfly receives a lot of inquiries as to how to become a Pilot with FedEx. Basically, the question lies on how FedEx hires Pilots. To assist those who aspire to work with FedEx, we have gathered the following information to help you familiarize and provide you background with all the essential information you would need as you prepare on becoming a Pilot with FedEx.

FedEx has about 684 aircraft that include Boeing 757F, Boeing 767F, Boeing 777F, MD-10-30F, MD-11F, and Airbus A300-600F. With this total fleet, FedEx has roughly 5000 pilots.


The information provided below is based on the official website of FedEx. We have provided you with the information as accurately as possible. However, we highly encourage you to always check with FedEx directly to keep updated on their hiring statutes, opening of pathway or cadet pilot programs, and additional requirements, if any.

There are two ways to become a FedEx Pilot; one is a direct application to FedEx (this is mostly done by experienced pilots) and another is through the FedEx Pilot Pathways Program.

Apply as a licensed pilot directly to FedEx

Assuming that you already hold a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL), to become a Pilot with FedEx, you would need to meet the following minimum qualifications:


  • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university
  • English language proficiency
  • Proven leadership ability
  • Excellent communications skills
  • Accurate and timely decision making, including threat and error mitigation strategies
  • Close attention to detail
  • Ability to work during the day or night, including weekends and holidays
  • Punctual and reliable regular attendance
  • Current valid passport and any other necessary travel documentations

Regulatory (FAA, FCC, TSA, and DOT)

  • Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certificate
  • Current First Class Medical Certificate
  • Radiotelephone Operators Permit
  • Secure Identification Display Area (SIDA) Badge eligibility
  • Successful completion of pre-employment drug test
  • Successful completion of Pilot Records Improvement Act (PRIA) evaluation

Flight Hours

  • 1500 hours total fixed-wing
  • 1000 hours PIC in jet aircraft is preferred; multi-engine turbo-prop aircraft, 12,500 pounds or greater; certain single engine turbo-prop aircraft, or combination thereof. A minimum of 500 hours PIC as described is required.

When evaluating flight hours, FedEx consider several factors, including:

  • Complexity of aircraft flown
  • Nature and type of flight operations
  • Recency, quality, quantity, and verifiability of flight time and associated logs
  • Hours flown as PIC
  • Hours flown as instructor/evaluator

Interested pilots who meet the above-mentioned qualifications must submit a profile at

All information herein was obtained from the FedEx website. Please always check their website to get the latest updates.

Join FedEx Pilot Pathways Program

FedEx offers the “FedEx Purple Runway Aviation Scholarship” which is an extension of Purple Runway – A FedEx Pathways Program. 

The Scholarship Program provides $2.5 million in grants and has collaborated with the following seven (7) aviation schools in the U.S.

  1. University of Memphis
  2. Delta State University
  3. University of North Dakota
  4. Indiana State University
  5. Tennessee College of Applied Technology
  6. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  7. Arkansas State University Mid-South

The $2.5 million in grants will go toward dedicated aviation scholarships with the above-mentioned schools. The grant will be used to fund pilot flight instructor certifications and maintenance A&P licenses.


The following are the entry requirements to join the FedEx Purple Runway Aviation Scholarship with the University of Memphis:

  • Must hold a FAA Private Pilot’s license, or greater
  • Written personal recommendation from a current University faculty member
  • Emphasis on underrepresented students (i.e., goal is for 20% of the scholarships to target women/minorities)
  • Minimum GPA 2.5
  • Be a US citizen or permanent resident/resident alien
  • Financial need

Note that community service, extra-curricular activities may also be considered and candidates will be selected by the aviation faculty at the University of Memphis.

The University of Memphis provides a $10,000 scholarship per student for the Academic Year. The scholarship committee will select the best-qualified candidates from a highly competitive pool of applicants. Successful scholarship candidates are selected on the basis of academic achievement, Personal strengths, Leadership, and Financial need.

All information herein was obtained from the University of Memphis website. Please always check this website to get the latest updates.


To join the FedEx Purple Runway Aviation Scholarship with Indiana State University, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Must hold FAA Private Pilot’s license or greater
  • Must have a personal recommendation from a current ISU Faculty member
  • Must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Must be enrolled on campus, full-time

Note that community service, extra-curricular activities may be considered and preference will be given to women, minority students, and those with demonstrated financial need.

Indiana State University provides a $5,000 scholarship per student that go towards paying flight fees for aircraft Flight Instructor Ratings—single or combination: Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), CFI-Instrument (CFII), and Multi-Engine Flight Instructor (MEI).

All information herein was obtained from the Indiana State University website. Please always check this website to get the latest updates.


To join the FedEx Purple Runway Aviation Scholarship with Delta State University, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Must hold a FAA Private Pilot’s license, or greater
  • Written personal recommendation from a current University faculty member
  • Emphasis on underrepresented students (i.e., goal is for 20% of the scholarships to target women/minorities)
  • Minimum GPA 2.5
  • Be a US citizen or permanent resident/resident alien
  • Financial need

Note that Community service, extra-curricular activities may also be considered and candidates will be selected by the aviation faculty at Delta State University.

Delta State University provides a non-renewable $10,000 scholarship per student for the Academic Year.

Successful scholarship candidates are selected on the basis of Academic achievement, Personal strengths, Leadership, and Financial need.

All information herein was obtained from the Delta State University website. Please always check this website to get the latest updates.


If you are interested in the other schools, please check their respective websites to know more about the FedEx Purple Runway Program. 

FedEx Pilot Salary

FedEx Pilots earn between $47,952.00$199,800.00 per year. 

The Annual salary figure varies in the above range starting from a new first officer to a senior captain. Information was sourced from Aviationinterviews.


Last Update: August 2021


The information provided above is based on the official website of FedEx. We have provided you with the information as accurately as possible. However, we highly encourage you to always check with FedEx directly to keep updated on their hiring statutes, opening of pathway or cadet pilot programs, and additional requirements, if any.

How to become a Pilot in the USA

Check out how to become a Pilot in the USA to know more about the minimum requirements, pilot training options, and airline programs.
